Ultra Poor

Ultra Poor

Ultra poor people are in the lowest rung in the economic ladder of the society. They are in hand to mouth situation. They are mostly landless, marginal, small farmers, single headed women, widow, person with disability etc. The available resources are scanty. Hence, they forcefully migrate to other cities and states for searching two squares of meals. In this distress migration, they are exploited and harassed by middlemen, contractors and factory owners on several aspects like wages, food, health, drinking water, shelter, working hour etc. 


As they migrate, they are unable to access government welfare schemes and social security schemes. The most sufferers of these ultra poor families are old age person and children. The old age persons do not get proper care as they need during the last days of their life. The children also do not get proper care, nutrition and education. It creates a social imbalance. In such a miserable condition NYDHEE extended livelihoods support to ultra poor families in 53 villages of 9 gram panchayats of migrate prone Muribahal block in Odisha.

NYDHEE begins with mapping of such ultra poor families in Muribahal block and identified 1150 ultra poor families to strengthen their livelihoods. NYDHEE started to work for ultra poor families with the support of Trickle Up India Foundation, Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Asia Initiative. It has organized several training programme and exposure to build the capacity of ultra poor family. Under Mpowered project, 650 women members of ultra poor family are trained on use of mobile technology, climate resilient sustainable agriculture practices, organic farming, goat rearing, backyard poultry farming, mushroom cultivation, vermi compost and different micro enterprises. They were supported for consumption and livelihood activities. Under this programme 32 women are promoted and skilled as Smart Sakhis to support ultra poor families to strengthen their livelihoods. The ultra poor families are supported to access various government welfare and security schemes. They were included in the fold of self help groups. The Social Capital Credits (SoCCs) project and project supported by Paul Hamlyn Foundation supported additional 500 ultra poor families for augmenting livelihoods activities. They are supported for sustainable agriculture, promotion of kitchen garden, improved goat rearing, back yard farming and different micro enterprise activities like tailoring, Dal business, cycle repairing shop, gup chup thela, puffed rice mill, phenyl making, detergent making etc.

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