Institution Building
Institution Building
NYDHEE believes sustainability of project through institution building and networking. It has promoted new institutions and community based organization and imparted training and organized exposure to strengthen it. It has imparted regular training to 745 women self help groups on SHG management, regular meeting, saving, credit, micro enterprise, loan repayment, digital literacy, health, nutrition etc. The training was imparted on concept of 12 cornerstones of Heifer International India to 471 women SHGs under OSED project in Bangiriposhi block. The 12 cornerstones are as follows.

Dwarasuni Farmers Producer Company Limited
NYDHEE promoted and strengthened Dwarasuni Farmers Producers Company Limited in Bangiriposhi block of Mayurbhanj district to provide marketing support to 6500 households. Dwarasuni Farmers Producers Company Limited continued its support to women producers and entrepreneurs to augment the livestock production. Capacity building and training programme are provided to the women farmers and producers on leadership training, supported to develop business development plans and facilitated to strengthen governance system of the FPO. It helped the FPO emerged as a self-managed farmer organisation and on its path towards financial sustainability. In every month Board of Directors of FPO organised their own meeting and discussed about the progress of the business, income, business strategy, legal compliances etc.